Category Archives: Links & Media on Permaculture

Permaculture in The NY Times again…

Well they’ve done it again… Permaculture, well one fundamental of Permaculture, Agroforestry is in the NY Times… Thank You Michael Pollan, one of Peramculture’s big advocates at the Times.

Introducing after a long Summer of silence

Well after a long summer of study, travel, work and growing, and now that the weather is starting to get a nip to it and the evenings are growing  longer I’m back at it on the Futurebox. To start, I’m excited to share with you, Cincinnati’s (and I think Ohio’s) First Permaculture Educational Non-Profit.

It is headed up by me, Braden Trauth, and my Mentor from College and now my Mentee in Permaculture, Dale Murray. Dale is the former Dean of the Design School at University of Cincinnati’s College of DAAP. He is a Professor of Industrial Design, which was very influential in Bill Mollison’s development of the Design Processes of Permaculture, as acknowledged in Permaculture Two (in his reference of the well known Industrial Designer, Victor Papinek). As for OM Valley, this will remain as my personal Permaculture website for blogging, educational articles from my experiences and the home of my Design & Consultancy services. Anyways, back to This-Land, we are very happy to share that we will very shortly be announcing our 2012 Class line up, starting with a Winter PDC that will consolidate the 72 hours into 3 weekends, to make it more accessible for folks, and will take place around the end of February and early March. After that we will be hosting some Natural/Green Building workshops with one of the best Natural Builders I know in the world, Ted Elsasser. We will host a summer intensive PDC followed by a Food Forest workshop and Earthworks workshop. We will also sprinkle in other courses throughout the year like a Cob Oven building workshop and a Passive Solar Dehydrator workshop just to name a few. Anyways stay tuned for more developments as we really start to sink our Tap Roots here in the Ohio and Miami Valley region.

Local Permaculture Links

Cincinnati’s Permaculture education Non-Profit:

The Website of our co-teacher, Doug Crouch:

The Cincinnati Permaculture Guild Website:  Cincinnati Permaculture Guild Website

Our local Gardening Education Non-profit, The Cincinnati Civic Garden Center:

Enright Urban Ecovillage, in Pricehill Cincinnati:

Imago Earth Education Center:

Grailville: sustainable education & CSA farmin Loveland Ohio:


Link for our local permaculture Guild listserve with 90 members                 Cincinnati Permaculture Guild Yahoo Group/listserve

Link for our local permaculture plant swap, to trade edible and functional plants around the cincinnati area, 38 members:                                                                  Cincinnati Permaculture Plant Swap Yahoo Group/Listserve

More to come….